
H>Mutual Recognition Arrangement>Canada>Outline


MRA - Canada


Under the Radio Waves Act Article 58-8 (Mutual Recognition of Conformity Assessment Between Countries) and Korea-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA, Jan. 1, 2015), Korea has concluded the second phase of Mutual Recognition Arrangement(MRA) with Canada (Dec. 15, 2017).

Regulatory Basis

Effectuation of the Korea-Canada FTA (Jan. 2015)
Radio Waves Act Article 58-8 (Mutual Recognition of Conformity Assessment Between Countries)
Enforcement Decree of Radio Waves Act Article 77-13 (Mutual Recognition of Conformity Assessment Between Countries)
Conclusion of the 2nd Phase of Korea-Canada MRA (Dec. 15, 2017)


Establishment of “MRA Strategic Plan” for the expansion of MRA between countries (Mar. 2017)
Working group meeting for the 2nd Phase of Korea-Canada MRA (Sept. 2016, May, 2017, Otawa, Canada)
Initial Conclusion of the 2nd Phase of Korea-Canada MRA (Dec. 15, 2017, Signed by Ministers from both countries)
Fulfillment of the 2nd Phase of Korea-Canada MRA (June 15, 2019)
  • Establishment of MRA strategy '17.03
  • Working group meeting for the 2nd Phase of MRA '17.05
  • Initial Conclusion of the 2nd Phase of MRA '17.12.15
  • Preparation for the demonstration project and establishment of guidelines '17.12 ~ '19.06

Encourage exports through the expansion of the scope of mutually recognized fields Better communication with exporters, lower certification fees, reduced time

Procedure for the Conformity Assessment of Electromagnetic Waves under the Mutual Recognition Arrangement

  • Phase
  • Domestic Procedure
  • Overseas Procedure
  • Non-
  • Manufacture
  • Test
  • Certification
  • Sales
  • 1st
  • Manufacture
  • Test
  • Certification
  • Sales
  • 2nd
  • Manufacture
  • Test
  • Certification
  • Sales

The Scope of Communications Conformity Assessment Center

The Communications Conformity Assessment Center is qualified to issue certifications in compliance with the latest standards of the ISO/IEC 17065 and general requirements, follows the provisional conditions of the MRA and the RSSs and provides an IC certification service as the sole Canada conformity assessment center in Korea.

Scope of IC Certification
  • Radio Scope 1 - License-Exempt Radio Frequency Devices
  • Radio Scope 2 - Licensed Personal Mobile Radio Services
  • Radio Scope 3 - Licensed General Mobile and Fixed Radio Services
  • Radio Scope 5 - Licensed Fixed Microwave Radio Services